Tracking My Progress

Monday, September 24, 2007

Abysmally Dismal!

Honestly, I can't believe I'm posting this on a public, world-wide venue. But if I'm going to keep it real and honest, I have to start out with the bitter, no-holds-barred truth.

Okay, here goes with my abysmally dismal numbers from Day One:

Weight: (gasp!) 253.0 (choke... wheeze...somebody call an ambulance...!)

Measurements (in inches):
Neck 16
Upper Chest 42
Lower Chest 39.5
Waist (at navel) 43
Butt (at widest) 55

Left Bicep 16 Right Bicep 16.5
Left Forearm 12 Right Forearm 12
Left Thigh 30 Right Thigh 31.5
Left Knee 21 Right Knee 21.75
Left Calf 20.5 Right Calf 20.25
Left Ankle 11 Right Ankle 11

I'm 47 years old and 5' 5" tall. Do you understand the concept of "abysmal" and "dismal"? Both words end in "mal" which in most languages means BAD. (Mal-nourished, mal-adjusted, mal-content, etc. Got it? It's BAD.)

I didn't exercise this morning because I was up until 1:00 a.m. messing with this blog. I'll start that tomorrow.

Breakfast consisted of one scrambled egg (non-stick pan), one slice of whole-grain toast with one tsp. of real butter (sorry, I don't do transfats) and 8 oz of 2% milk. (In a dang rush because I was up late with this blog.)

Lunch was terrific - UberSalad! Red bell peppers, lettuce, avocado, tomato, black olives, and lo-carb bleu cheese dressing. Oh, and little green onions. Yumm!

In between is lots of water. I do (sadly) drink those stupid diet sodas, also, even though I know they are not good for anything.

Day One Rating: So far so good.

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