Tracking My Progress

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Steady as She Goes!

Steady as She Goes!

We broke the 10 pound barrier! 242.6 on Saturday morning, 12/08/07. This is a good thing, although, I still feel it's a little slow. But progress is progress, right? As long as we are still going in the correct direction, it's progress – no matter how small.

I've been paying more attention to the magazines for health and fitness. What I have found is that they are just as full of hype as the “gossip” magazines. For instance:

“Shrink Your Fat Cells!”

“Drop Pounds Effortlessly!”

“The Female Fat Cure!”

“Feel Fabulous After 40” (I have an affinity for that word, you know ;) )

“Miracle Food Melts Fat!”

“Doctor Finds Amazing New Way to ....” Take your pick: Flatten Your Belly, Look Younger, Melt Trouble Spots, Drop 85 Pounds By Christmas.... etc.

What a load of hooey! It's all hype. The real way to lose weight is to change your life. Change how you view food and how you relate to regular exercise. DESIRE to change.

I'm still walking 3-4 days per week at 1.5 miles. It's probably time to increase the distance. However, with the holidays here, there is a lot of excess stress going around. I think I'll keep to my schedule to avoid any more stress from change. Also, I've been diagnosed with very low iron (normal blood levels have a number of 100-150; mine is 40), and a kidney infection. That's a long story we won't go into right now! Mrs. Doctor says I need to reduce my stress levels. Yeah, okay. Just give me a month, all right?

In addition, my doctor requested a blood test called an A1C. This measures the level of blood glucose, and is lauded as the “definitive” test for diabetes. Yes, I was 0.1% over the acceptable threshold (I'm at 6.0%, the limit is 5.9%), and Mrs. Doctor was quite smug about it. She's been predicting my diabetic downfall for over a year, and has been quite disappointed when the results of previous tests didn't pan out. She says, and I quote, “I'll give you an opportunity to fix it yourself, rather than prescribe medication just yet.”

Well, duh. Did she not hear me describe my life changes? Is she ignoring my recent weight loss? I think she just likes being in control. Frankly, she's a little pudgy herself. Perhaps she needs to understand about the FABULOUS way to change her life, hm?

Did I mention that I'm currently buying a house? This will eliminate one of my jobs when I move (I'm an apartment manager of a senior building with 44 units). We went into escrow last week, and we're very excited to finally have a home of our own, my daughter and I. We expect to move around January 5,6,7th. Once we get there, the living room is 14 feet X 20 feet. Woo hoo! Can you say “floor exercise”? I'll be able to break out the exercise videos and really go for it. I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This is the part where....

... fortitude and endurance keep me going. The "rush" of excitement at the prospect of becoming FABULOUS has tempered somewhat. Now comes the work. We are still making progress - 246.4 today (down 6.6 lbs.), and a full inch off of my BUTT - but it's slow progress. Changing one's life is not an easy task. However, I'm still walking at least 3 days per week, I'm still trying to make better choices and largely succeeding at that.

I think I've mentioned before that it's the quiet determination of a life change that will be the deciding factor here. Prayer. Support of friends and family. Knowledge - reading about nutrition and proper food preparation techniques, reading about others' successes, watching videos of successful efforts, etc., really help.

(Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Larry Winget, I'm not selling his stuff, nor do I make any money by referencing his material here. I just enjoy his style of "personal development.:)

Reading about how to change has been a great source of inspiration for me. In Larry Winget's book, "Shut up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life," he says something like - "No one ever ate anything by accident."

Well, duh. That was the most obvious statement! But that never occurred to me before. Everything that goes in my mouth was put there by me. No one forced me. That chocolate didn't just jump in there by itself. I opened my mouth, bent my elbow, and I ate every bite of every thing that ever passed my lips. I've been such a schmuck ~ thinking that it wasn't my fault that I'm 100 pounds overweight. "Um.. low thyroid problem, yeah that's it! No, no! It was my divorce that caused me to gain weight! No, WAIT! STRESS!! That's what happened! I couldn't HELP MYSELF!" ...

Those days are over. I'm overweight because I ate too much. Period. And now that I'm solidly aware of that fact, I can take action of my own accord and stop it. I can change it. I can turn it around. With the help of God, family, and friends, I can once again be FABULOUS. If I can quit smoking in that manner, I can certainly beat FLAB.

Did I mention I was once fabulous? Perhaps I'll post a PRE-FLAB picture to show you just how fab I was. Then, every time I visit my Blog, I'll see how things used to be. I'm not sure I can be quite that fabulous again, but I can certainly strive to get there... or at least really, really close. :) After all, I was younger then. It would be a great motivator, though, to see on a regular basis just how fabulous it's possible for me to be.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007



It seemed like a long time coming, but we’re finally seeing some measurable progress: Down 5.4 pounds! 247.6 - Woo hoo! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Oh, yeah! I’ll be doing a full-body measure at the end of the month. I figure if I do that once every six weeks or so, it will give me a better indicator than trying to do a full measure too often. (Let’s do it when we’re pretty sure we can actually measure some change, shall we?)

The morning walk is definitely paying off. I feel better, I’m more clear-headed, and I think I’m sleeping better, too. Haven’t really noticed any change in my clothes yet, of course, but I think that will happen soon because a pair of shoes that has been too tight actually fit very well yesterday. So, if nothing else, my feet are thinner ;).

I was reading the other day about depression and diabetes. That if you have diabetes, depression makes it worse. AND, that exercise is actually better than medication for both maladies. While I don’t have diabetes (yet – it runs in my family), I do have a tendency to be depressed (which also runs in my family). If I can keep up the exercise, I can certainly beat the odds on both.

One of my 44 neighbors (I live in an apartment building) actually went walking with me this morning. We’ll call her Ms. J. She’s what I’ve heard described as “no bigger than a minute!” Maybe 4’2” – my 10-year-old is as tall as she is – and, while not slender, she’s certainly not fat. Just turned 60-something, and very “go-get-‘em” when she’s up to it. We had a great chat about life and friends and birthdays (hers was yesterday) and health and etc.; as much as you can squeeze into a 20-minute walk at 5:00 a.m. Ms. J is interested in joining the walk a few days a week. I think it’s great!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Better choices. Clearer thinking.

Better choices. Clearer thinking. These are my goals going forward.

I still have a little trouble with the late night ice cream, but I'm doing much better with my daytime choices. Fresh fruit, in a variety of species; fresh vegetables, in a variety of colors; limited red meat; controlled portions. No candy snacks!

I'm currently down to 251.6 (as of this morning), which is actually a pretty dismal first-two-week loss - 1.4 pounds. Bleagh. We'll see what happens after some.. er... cyclical water weight (evaporates?) during the next week or so.

Anyhow, I'm definitely keeping my focus, I know what I want. I want good health, and I have to be as close as possible to a normal weight in order to be healthy. I want to be FABULOUS!

Now comes the part where some people will have a little trouble: Yes, I am relying on my faith to help me through this. Yes, I believe in a Higher Power, whom I call God (and Heavenly Father). I am NOT into the 12-step programs, but I do believe that I am unable to move forward on my own. I DO believe that I have to do most of the work. God expects me to help him out, not just lay around and whimper, "I can't do it alone! Help me, help me!" P'shaw.

So, for my part, I'm staying focused. I'm praying for guidance and strength. I'm praying for my "mindset" to change to healthier habits. And I'll be accountable to God - praying in the morning for help throughout the day, then back on my knees to pray at night to give thanks for His help and to report to him how it all went. Yes, yes, I know He knows. But it's important for me to report back.

It's all about accountability, as discussed here:

The Purpose of a Circle of Support

The main reason to enlist help in your weight loss journey is to find accountability. It often helps just to have to answer to someone else about your food, exercise and weight loss. Emotionally, it helps to have someone who you can relate to and vice-versa. It's also helpful knowing that someone is rooting for you and is there for you whenever you have a triumph or a weak moment.

Tomorrow morning, I'm starting my walking routine. Up at 5:00 a.m. to get in 30 minutes of walking before I have to start the daily grind. I've done walking before, and it really is a great way to wake up. Fresh, crisp morning air, nice chilly temps, no one around to get in your way with their dogs and their grocery carts.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This is the hard part...

This is where the rush of "willpower" and the thrill of starting something new starts to wear off! Ha! Now kicks in determination and the goal.

Whole grain cereal with 2% milk for breakfast. More UberSalad for lunch - man that is good stuff! Dinner was roasted chicken with UberSalad, and fresh fruit and low-fat yogurt smoothie for dessert. My 10-year-old was delighted to learn that we bought a blender. She calls it the smoothie maker.

Low-fat yogurt (any flavor, but watch the sugar!)
Handful of strawberries, fresh or frozen
Shot of fruit juice of your choice
Some ice

Grind to consistency of your choice (I like 'em kinda chunky)
Spoon :)


Lots of water today, probably 6 12-ouncers. Only two diet sodas (bleagh).

(Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Dr. Phil, I am not selling his book, and I am not making any money by referencing his work here on my blog. I don't really even like Dr. Phil, but he sometimes makes sense. End Disclaimer.) I was reading in Dr. Phil's book "Ultimate Weight Solution" about the Readiness Profile. You gotta wanna, basically. So he gives a short little test to see if you're ready to lose weight or not. Some of the questions/scenarios are interesting to me.

Quote: "I am ready to eat differently even if it hurts my family's or my friends' feelings, or causes conflict." ( Copyright 2003 by Phillip C. McGraw - with all due respect and legal citations to his website - (you can even take the Readiness Quiz yourself there!)

Why in the world would it hurt anyone's feelings if I eat differently than they do? It would have to be a real manipulative control freak to give a fat person a hard time about changing how they eat. Are people really like this?

Quote: "I am ready to temporarily give up any friends who do not totally support me and who may wish to sabotage my weight-management efforts."

Quote: "I am willing to change my job, if necessary, to become healthier and manage my weight better."

Wow! That's a hard one. I sit at a desk pretty much all day. I've actually gained about 30 pounds since I started working at this place. Maybe I really should consider this question. But then, how would I support myself? This would go over really great, don't you think? "Boss? Um, I was just getting ready to get busy on my weight-loss program? And there's this section where, uh, I'm supposed to quit my job if it's making me fat... What do you think?" Here's where I show him my tons of flab (like he can't see it already). Yeah. That's gonna work.

But how can I change that part of my lifestyle to fit into my new goals for health? This will take some thought...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Abysmally Dismal!

Honestly, I can't believe I'm posting this on a public, world-wide venue. But if I'm going to keep it real and honest, I have to start out with the bitter, no-holds-barred truth.

Okay, here goes with my abysmally dismal numbers from Day One:

Weight: (gasp!) 253.0 (choke... wheeze...somebody call an ambulance...!)

Measurements (in inches):
Neck 16
Upper Chest 42
Lower Chest 39.5
Waist (at navel) 43
Butt (at widest) 55

Left Bicep 16 Right Bicep 16.5
Left Forearm 12 Right Forearm 12
Left Thigh 30 Right Thigh 31.5
Left Knee 21 Right Knee 21.75
Left Calf 20.5 Right Calf 20.25
Left Ankle 11 Right Ankle 11

I'm 47 years old and 5' 5" tall. Do you understand the concept of "abysmal" and "dismal"? Both words end in "mal" which in most languages means BAD. (Mal-nourished, mal-adjusted, mal-content, etc. Got it? It's BAD.)

I didn't exercise this morning because I was up until 1:00 a.m. messing with this blog. I'll start that tomorrow.

Breakfast consisted of one scrambled egg (non-stick pan), one slice of whole-grain toast with one tsp. of real butter (sorry, I don't do transfats) and 8 oz of 2% milk. (In a dang rush because I was up late with this blog.)

Lunch was terrific - UberSalad! Red bell peppers, lettuce, avocado, tomato, black olives, and lo-carb bleu cheese dressing. Oh, and little green onions. Yumm!

In between is lots of water. I do (sadly) drink those stupid diet sodas, also, even though I know they are not good for anything.

Day One Rating: So far so good.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

It Takes Planning

One thing we've discovered after several (unsuccessful) attempts at modifying weight is that it takes planning. We can't just decide on a whim to start a diet. There has to be a supply of healthy food on hand, for instance; meal planning; contingency planning; a little research into restaurant food nutrition (practically every mainstream restaurant has a website now). We must "suck it up" and actually WEIGH ourselves and MEASURE our FLAB in order to have a reference point for future weight loss comparisons. (No using the fake weight on your driver's license as a starting point! C'mon - we know you lied about it. 'Fess up. )

So what have we done this time that makes it so different from all the other (unsuccessful) weight modification attempts?

Well, there is actually healthy food in the house. All stashes of unhealthiness lying in wait for secret binge moments has been rooted out and TOSSED in the TRASH where it BELONGS. We have containers for packing lunches and snacks. We have healthy recipes and tips from several different sources. We have purchased a small log book for recording weekly weigh-ins and measurements. We are infused with a quiet determination that is far removed from the emotional roller coaster of so-called "will-power!"

We have made it public - here and in our local circle of friends and acquaintances. We have a sympathetic ear to listen when we are having stressful times.

We are accessing our Higher Power for help - and making sure to report back on our progress. We are treating this as an addiction problem because, in many ways, it is: Addiction to sugar, to comfort foods, to the feeling of euphoria that often comes with the satiation of appetite. No, we are not using any 12-step program.

Details will be revealed as we go along.

Introducing - Flab 2 Fabulous!


So, here goes ~ My years as "Flab" are now over. I'm going from FLAB to FABULOUS. And I'm going to do it in public, right here before your very eyes. No surgery, no cosmetic tricks; just simple life changes that will include better diet and a little exercise (more and better as we go along).

This is not an advertisement for anything. I'm not selling the latest hype or deception.

I'm just going to change my life. And I want to make it public to create some accountability and answerability (if that's a word) to the world at large.

It will probably take a long time, because I have a LOT of flab. I have years and years of bad habits to overcome. I'll be posting pics and activity and history as we go forward. I'm hoping to inspire a few people along the way, and I hope folks will share their inspiring stories to pass along to others.

Starting first thing in the morning, my life as I've known it for many years is about to shift gears. Whether you are cheering me or mocking me, I'm doing it anyway. Your opinion, frankly, doesn't matter. I'm doing this for *me*.


Here goes....!