It seemed like a long time coming, but we’re finally seeing some measurable progress: Down 5.4 pounds! 247.6 - Woo hoo! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Oh, yeah! I’ll be doing a full-body measure at the end of the month. I figure if I do that once every six weeks or so, it will give me a better indicator than trying to do a full measure too often. (Let’s do it when we’re pretty sure we can actually measure some change, shall we?)
The morning walk is definitely paying off. I feel better, I’m more clear-headed, and I think I’m sleeping better, too. Haven’t really noticed any change in my clothes yet, of course, but I think that will happen soon because a pair of shoes that has been too tight actually fit very well yesterday. So, if nothing else, my feet are thinner ;).
I was reading the other day about depression and diabetes. That if you have diabetes, depression makes it worse. AND, that exercise is actually better than medication for both maladies. While I don’t have diabetes (yet – it runs in my family), I do have a tendency to be depressed (which also runs in my family). If I can keep up the exercise, I can certainly beat the odds on both.
One of my 44 neighbors (I live in an apartment building) actually went walking with me this morning. We’ll call her Ms. J. She’s what I’ve heard described as “no bigger than a minute!” Maybe 4’2” – my 10-year-old is as tall as she is – and, while not slender, she’s certainly not fat. Just turned 60-something, and very “go-get-‘em” when she’s up to it. We had a great chat about life and friends and birthdays (hers was yesterday) and health and etc.; as much as you can squeeze into a 20-minute walk at 5:00 a.m. Ms. J is interested in joining the walk a few days a week. I think it’s great!